Sustainability strategy, reporting and preparing for the Green Shift

A responsible and sustainable organization?

PwC helps Norwegian organizations incorporate sustainability into their core activities. We help them to develop sustainability strategies, operative plans and procedures, risk analyses and reports. We specialize in climate-motivated reorientation and sustainability in the finance sector and in international aid and development.

In working with sustainability, it is essential to understand what the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals actually mean for your own organization and for your industry. Our experts know the unique challenges various industries will face in the years to come, and we can help your organization establish a responsible and sustainable code of conduct that is in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals.

If your organization has not yet defined any clear goals in this area, it’s time to get started on your priorities.

Hanne LøvstadDirector of Sustainability and Climate Change

We offer a range of sustainability-related services

Sustainability in strategy and corporate governance

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide a shared blueprint for sustainable development world-wide. In order for us to succeed, we must all contribute. Businesses especially. In line with social change, new regulations and increasing consumer awareness, more and more studies show that it makes financial sense to run a business sustainably. Sustainability today is about more than just reducing one's carbon footprint. It’s also about new business developments and creating new business opportunities. 

PwC can help your organization develop strategies for sustainable economic growth, identify and take advantage of business opportunities relating to sustainable development, and integrate ethical, environmental and social factors in your strategy, management and governance systems. 

By integrating sustainability in its strategies and business governance, a company can strengthen its competitive ability and reputation, position itself for new business opportunities and improve its risk management.

Climate strategy and climate risk

Climate change is already here, bringing considerable risks, but also opportunities, for your business. The Paris Agreement and tough EU policies define the framework of operations for businesses in this country, too. Climate risk is about understanding how climate change will affect social development, policy and framework conditions, and market and technology development. Any changes we can expect to see in our physical environment, such as weather conditions and wind, are also included. Sound assessments of climate risk offer critical and strategic management information in the transition to a low-emission society.

PwC can provide a systematic analysis of your organization’s climate and sustainability risks, for the purpose of establishing a robust basis for management in a changing world. We analyse which risk factors could play a significant role in various climate scenarios, when they are likely to occur, and how much they may cost.  This provides key insights for any company wishing to chart a clear course for its climate efforts and implement the necessary adjustment measures. A clear climate strategy may help secure the company’s future competitiveness through the Green Shift.

Good reporting is the foundation of a good strategy and clear goals. We also assist companies with climate and climate risk reporting in accordance with various frameworks, such as CDP and TCFD.

Sustainability reporting

In order to increase awareness and ensure sustainable development, we need transparency on how businesses integrate sustainability in their corporate governance systems.

Good sustainability reporting requires an overall strategy for sustainability activities. Sustainability reporting and its associated indicators cover business strategy, material aspects, strategic focus areas and objectives. Relevant and specific KPIs are essential in making sure activities in strategic focus areas are implemented and performance monitored.

Among other things, PwC can assist with the following:

  • Identifying best practice for sustainability reporting.
  • Defining KPIs, objectives and the material sustainability aspects addressed by the report.
  • Quality assurance of indicators, analysis of data quality and availability.
  • Developing the structure and defining the contents of reports.
  • Reviewing and developing existing reporting and procedures.
  • Assisting in data collection and content production.
  • Advising on compliance with external reporting frameworks/standards (e.g. GRI).
  • We also assist companies with climate reporting and climate risk reporting in accordance with various reporting frameworks, such as CDP and TCFD.

Sustainability in finance

ESG due diligence and portfolio analysis

ESG due diligence helps identify and map a company's risks and opportunities in terms of environmental impact, social conditions and corporate governance (including ethics and anti-corruption initiatives). The analysis identifies ESG risks and opportunities within the organization and the measures necessary to reduce or exploit these after a potential acquisition. It is important to identify this type of information early in the acquisition process in order to manage risks in an organization that does not comply with requirements laid down by public authorities and stock exchanges. Improvements will increase the value of the investment post-acquisition and prevent potential fines or negative publicity.

Another aspect of sustainability in the financial sector is found at the portfolio level. Portfolio analyses are relevant for many different financial investors, from private equity (PE) firms to large, institutional investors who own shares in multiple business sectors. Our portfolio analysis service entails a systematic review and analysis of ESG risks in the corporate portfolio, strategic opportunities or various reporting requirements. PwC has broad experience with all types of portfolio analyses, for both PE firms and major public investors. Insights derived from a focused portfolio analysis can provide a strong decision-making foundation for further investment or other strategic decisions related to the Green Shift.

International development

International development is a condition for attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. At PwC, we help public agencies, private corporations and non-profit organizations improve their operations and achieve more effective and lasting development. New global challenges and ever-tightening public budgets necessitate smarter aid, innovative solutions and new financing mechanisms.

PwC has extensive experience and methods related to strategy and organizational development, evaluations and innovation processes, helping clients take the next step toward attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. We can also assist with country analyses and various risk analyses in emerging markets.

Success factors for sustainability

  • Define what sustainability means for your company — both in terms of positive impact and negative footprint. What position are you going to take in the future?
  • Build a sustainability culture. Ensure your entire organization understands and gets involved in your sustainability efforts, from your board and top management down to the individual employee.
  • Integrate sustainability in your business strategy and in all central decision-making processes.
  • Define specific goals and related measures for your organization. Integrate these in your company’s action plans.
  • Report your progress toward your goals and relevant, quantifiable KPIs. Communicate results internally and externally.
  • Integrate sustainability in governance and reporting processes, and define clear areas of responsibility internally.

Hanne Løvstad

Partner | Sustainability & Climate Change Risk, PwC Norway

+47 967 00 000


Anne-Marie Helland

Director| Sustainability and international development, Oslo, PwC Norway

+47 959 21 713


John Wikström

Partner, Bergen, PwC Norway

+47 947 81 047
