Money Laundering

How to prevent and detect transactions associated with the proceeds of crime or terrorist financing?

PwC offers several money-laundering services. We help you understand what specific steps your business need to take in order to comply with laws and regulations in this field. Further we contribute by analysing the current situation and assist with the design and implementation of measures.

Our engagements cover a wide range of services in this field, from investigations of individual customers to reviews of larger customer portfolios, training programs and preparation of reports and regulations.

Do you wish to get in touch with us?

We offer systematic and effective surveys

We offer systematic reviews of companies AML framework that can be scaled to a company's needs.

  • AML scan is a superior and effective survey to detect compliance deficiencies.
  • We carry out major risk assessments with associated data and system analyses. PwC has extensive experience in design and implementation of control measures against money laundering.
  • Basic courses in anti-money laundering and specialist training.
  • Technical evaluations of electronic monitoring systems used in the work against money laundering.

Corrupt officials, tax cheats, and the financial backers of terrorism have one thing in common: they often exploit vulnerabilities in financial systems to facilitate their crimes.

Christine LagardeLeader of the International Monetary Fund, July 2017
Anti-Money Laundering - living by laws and regulations

Anti-money laundering (AML) is an area of expertise that also includes financing of terrorists and compliance with international trade restrictions. AML is a complicated and expensive compliance field. Implementation of effective routines, real-time customer analysis and laundering customer lists against sanctions lists requires a deep understanding of law, technology, business processes and risk.

The area is increasingly subject to fines and personal criminal prosecution by the authorities. The money laundering Act of 2018 sets great demands. In the worst case fines may await you should you not have everything in place. 

Contact our expert

Gunnar Holm Ringen

Advocate | Partner, Oslo, PwC Norway

+47 952 60 175
