Compliance with the Securities Trading Act

We help you secure that your company is in compliance with the requirements of the Securities Trading Act.

This includes support to understand what the regulations of the law means for your business, review of existing routines and implementation of new, and investigation of events or transactions.

Issuers of shares (listed companies) and other financial instruments,  investment firms, credit institutions and a number of other companies must adhere to the regulations set out in the Securities Trading Act and regulations and requirements set by Oslo Stock Exchange on a daily basis. 

Contact us 

PwC offer the following services in order to comply with the Securites Trading Act.

  • Non-conformity analyses (GAP analysis) to reveal any discrepancies between the company's routines /guidelines and securities rules / best practices
  • Develop and implement principles, guidelines and appropriate measures.
  • Develop necessary template documents to use for the various reporting duties
  • Analysis of the company's business, products and transactions to identify critical areas and assess the risk of violations of the Securities Trading Act 
  • Help with training
  • PwC securities support; discussion partner and ongoing advice on issues related to securities regulations.

Contact our expert

Gunnar Holm Ringen

Advocate | Partner, Oslo, PwC Norway

+47 952 60 175
